Saturday, September 5, 2009

It comes in cycles

why can't i just NOT think about it, at least for one day. Dear God.

I hope I can go to Tahoe this weekend. *cross fingers*
If I get back early for no reason, I'll call :D

Ok, ready, set, go.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

i've developed a lisp.

So after hearing someone speak a certain way, apparently i trick myself into talking that way too. I can't sttthop. Ugg. I wonder if it is just me trying to garner more attention or what?

School in 1 week. Why? :(

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

hair liberation and pants calls.

So I finally cut my longish hair and got a bob. At the salon I was scared to go too short so I inadvertently had the lady cut my with a little extra at the back. It flipped out of course, since my hair is horrible like that and every other layer flips in opposing directions, so when I got home I went crazy with some kitchen shears and chopped off the back myself. (Even though I have a perfectly good pair of hair cutting scissors from my stint in cosmetology in high school). But I was too lazy to find them... they might still be in San Francisco anyway.

So yay I have an angled-ish bob. I had my mom even out the back and I like it. I was always scared to go too short because of horrible Asian bowl cut memories from my childhood. Shiz, I still have the embarrassing "professional" elementary school photos of me, with freshly pruned hair, a red pooh (Winnie XP) sweater, and umbrella. Oh yea, sans front teeth. URGG. In stickers too.

Add to my shorter hair phobia is the fact that I have a very angular jaw. Looking back at pictures from when I weighed a LOT less my square face looked pretty good. But as the pounds have crept in my cheeks have gotten about a bajillion times bigger so yeah, now my face is pretty roundy-square. ICK.

But I like this cut. Its not all short layered and horrible like I've had before. Big jaw/cheeks do not go with short layers -_-

This is the first shortish haircut I've had that I didn't hate. So know I know, no drastic layers if my hair is short. Its new and I spend a lot less time drying my hair. YAY again.

So anyway I'm about to check urban dictionary for a word that I just kinda fell upon. I dunno if other people have this problem, but since my name starts with an A, people are more likely to "pants call" me. As in, call me accidentally, since I'm usually up there in their address book. Gah.

Also I just watched Knowing (Nicolas Cage), with my dad last night. At first when I saw the previews I didn't know why I hadn't heard of it before. After watching I know now. So this movie could have been mildly entertaining, but about halfway through it, my left eyebrow was permanently arched up into the "wtffffuz?" expression. It was like AI but the beginning wasn't that good, the story sucked, the acting sucked, and omfg the plot. I didn't know Cage could act that badly? IDK. How many movies I've watched my dad expecting something... kinda decent, I guess, but ending with aliens. LOL. At least Push was decent. It was what I expected. Mildly entertaining with a lot of predictability. And no random alien endings.

So Knowing was this in a nutshell: Thriller/Horror beginning> Horrible Acting> WTF story line>Aliens and some oddly placed CGI. hookay.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Closet Introvert

Well this is the 93248294th blog I've started. I seem to have a problem with keeping one but every once in a while I get the itch to start writing again, because, well I've been thinking a lot about myself as a person and all that crap.

After a conversation with my mom regarding what I'm going to do with my chosen college major -biology- she wanted to know what I would do with it, since I didn't take the typical nursing approach.

What are you going to do? What can you do with biology? A doctor or what? Then I told her that I didn't want to be a doctor because I don't like people. I think its the most honest thing I've said to her.

I mean, I'm not a people hater in any way. I love to socialize and have fun and all but I really thought about it and the fact that I'm more introverted than I am extroverted is something I haven't realized since recently. I think its been a major part of me for so long that I've tried not to acknowledge. My first year of high school was spent having a large group of friends and fitting in (which changed slowly when I fell in "love" with my now ex for 3.5 years -but thats another story.)

It reminds me a lot of two movies I've seen recently, Amelie and Bruno (ugg Bruno, lol). She's on one end of the spectrum and he on the other I suppose. I realize that you don't have to be one or the other but can fit nicely in between. All those personality tests I've faked...

Ths is big for me. It explains why my heart races when I know my photo will be put up for critique in my photography class. How I have this amount of time it takes for me to be comfortable with people, but when I strike upon a topic of interest, I can talk for hours. Why my roomates think its weird that I would like eating *gasp* alone sometimes. How I make up an excuse just to get away from people for a little bit and be alone. How I hate talking on the phone for long periods of time unless it was with a significant other or someone I hadn't spoken to in ages.

Its very nice to know myself a little more after all this time, so with this knowledge I christen this blog :D